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UX Writing

Completing the 14-day UX writing challenge


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With the goal of creating more than just copy for each challenge, I came up with a seven-step process to follow each day. I leaned on my experience as an English teacher to come up with multiple drafts for each prompt; and I allowed my affinity for research to help me craft the best content.

1. Receive Daily UX Writing Challenge email

2. Read prompt


3. Read related content


4. Brainstorm


5. Draft

6. Select final version

7. Design the user interface (UI) for final version

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But wait! 

Every designer knows that there's more to creating than just the UI... so in order to further improve my craft, I read as much as possible about UX writing, both online and in published texts.

My top three recommendations:

The Challenges

Below you'll find each of the 14 short prompts, along with the a final mockup(s) for each one.

Click on an image to read more about the challenge.

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